How many yoga classes should I attend?

The most frequent question I am asked is  “How many yoga classes should I attend each week?”

My answer is as many classes as you can afford to attend.  The more frequent in your yoga practice the more your life will change.  That is a bold statement isn’t it?

Yoga is amazing and science is now proving how valuable the practice is.  Whether you’ve tried yoga or not, I think we can all agree there seems to be some level of benefit for your body and mind from practicing yoga.

Even if you can only afford one class per week, you will experience the benefits of yoga.  If you can afford to do more classes then certainly you will experience more benefits.

So what are these benefits?

Yoga improves your flexibility - a more flexible body is probably the most immediate benefit you will notice from practicing yoga.  It teaches our body how to physically relax. While stretching your muscles you will improve your posture and gain physical strength.

Yoga improves your energy levels – Yoga is a form of exercise, where exercise is proven to increase energy levels as more oxygenated blood is pumped around the body, this increases your metabolic rate and improve your breathing and lung capacity.

Yoga reduces inflammation within your body.  There are a number of studies that have shown that regular practice of yoga reduces the inflammation within your body.  This is important because inflammation is associated with chronic diseases including diabetes, arthritis, heart disease.  If you are suffering from chronic diseases, it’s time to book in a class and step on a yoga mat.

Yoga is also linked to improving mental performance and that is reducing mental stress.  What is important to grasp is that, through regular practice the mind's ability to concentrate grows. Yoga will help you calm your mind, gain specific focus, build a stronger mind and clear the clutter within your mind of unnecessary thoughts. 

The first step for you is you have to show up for the class.  We put the mat down, and we place our feet upon it.  The second step is even simpler – we let go or our thoughts, tightness and tension.  Feel the bliss!

At Exhale Yoga we are here to enlighten you and hopefully convince you that yoga really is worth (at least) 90 minutes of your week. 

When you practice yoga at Exhale Yoga you will notice that strength meets serenity.
