The Chinese New Year starts on January 22, 2023, and is the Year of the Rabbit; it is said to be a lucky year for most Chinese horoscope signs.

According to Chinese Astrology, the Rabbit represents peaceful and patient energy. The Rabbit is a gentle creature known for thinking things through before acting. This energy will encourage us to approach challenges and opportunities calmly and rationally.  

So, what does 2023 mean for you? Have you set your pathway forward? If you are seeking a new way to transform yourself this year then look out for Exhale’s newsletter about our new transformation course – Getting your Life Back. 

At the beginning of each year, I think of Gandhi’s saying – “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”  

If you wish to change a relationship in your life, then you have to change by changing how you think about the relationship. The more resourceful thinking you have of kindness, appreciation, love and gratitude you have for the relationship, the more you will attract back with encouraging circumstances and events in your relationship.

A meaningful relationship, which we forget about, is the relationship with self. This new year you can contemplate the best relationship you would like to have with yourself. How can you attract your highest good and become the highest expression of yourself in this new year and beyond?

Some of us are taught to achieve external things to live a good life. And then we realise that everything that happens in life is the meaning we create inside our minds.  

You may begin your transformation by training your mind or bringing awareness to your thoughts. You can elevate your awareness and consciousness and shift your mindset to promote happy moments and good for yourself and others.  

The mindset shift will attract a new way of living and change how you experience your world. The early stages of this fundamental shift involve appreciating what is around you. 

This fundamental shift takes practice, and it’s a discipline to train your thought. So, try these as a few suggestions. 

Appreciate the moment by

-      You have spent the night in a comfortable bed

-      You live in a safe home

-      You have your health

-      You have a job to go to

-      You have friends and family who love you

-      You have quality water to drink

-      You have clothes to put on your body

-      You have a new day with something extraordinary may happen to you today  

Choose one statement relevant to you and let your thoughts focus on it. Keep breathing deeply and easily. What happens when you focus on one of these aspects of your life? Do you find yourself floating back into the negative? Aha, yes, but….?  Pull your thoughts back and focus on what you can appreciate now. Do this for 3 minutes, and when you are ready to complete the exercise, give yourself silent thanks for the experience of a moment of awareness to appreciate what you have in your life. 

The year of the Rabbit may be the beginning of training your mind to think in a new way that deflects negative thoughts and fear. May the year of the Rabbit bring you peaceful and patient energy and attract your highest good to become the highest expression of you.

If you are seeking a new way to transform yourself this year then look out for the next Exhale newsletter about our new transformation course – Getting your Life Back.  The course is dedicated to a recipe of personal exploration and supporting you in ways that make slow, steady transformational shifts and mindset changes to living a meaningful life.  More details to follow.

Thank you Toni for the beautiful photo of Flick. I am so pleased you rescued him and he has become a very happy member of your family. He is adorable and may he have a very happy new Chinese year.