2018 New Year, New Body & Mind - New You

You can make a difference. 

Taking the time out to reflect on what you will do differently in 2018 and make this commitment to you.  To help you ponder I have provided you with a worksheet to help you deliver a great year. 

The first thing that needs to be celebrated is ‘What went well?’

  • Where did you feel "in flow"? 
  • What made you feel energised? 
  • When did you feel like you could burst with happiness? 
  • Obviously pondering these things helps us establish what can be carried through to the 2018. 

The questions of ‘What didn’t go so well’ need to be posed after this. 

  • How did I get into those situations? 
  • What did I contribute to them? 
  • What am I resisting? 
  • Did I act without creating friction? 
  • How do I now move on? 
  • Answering these questions will give you insight on bringing more joy into your life and areas of your life to let go.  

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Then be inspired to visualise your dream life in 12 months, three years or five years from now.  Consider the different areas of your life and how they all work together to help you achieve a sense of balance.

The areas of your life are:

  • health
  • career
  • family and friends
  • partner
  • education, self growth
  • recreation

I have placed your health at the top of the list. It's important to be committed to good health and daily practices to have great health. If you let your health go you will have little energy to achieve your dreams and desires. With the little energy you have it maybe wasted on illness.  

Wouldn't it be great to have an abundance of energy?

A better mind and body?

What we must do is make time for us.

Are you ready to eliminate the personal stress that is limiting your potential?

Are you ready to banish anxiety from your life and get onto more living?

Make time to eat a healthy diet, exercise daily and go to yoga regularly. This will provide you with basis of being healthy and charging your body and mind with energy. 

Well let's start the journey for 2018. Look out for my next email to help you get the most out of your living 2018. 

Spread the WordPS  If would be interested in gaining results faster book in for a coaching session with Rosie.  The coaching will help you to define your goal and provide you with a plan to getting the most living in 2018. Tell your f…

Spread the Word

PS  If would be interested in gaining results faster book in for a coaching session with Rosie.  The coaching will help you to define your goal and provide you with a plan to getting the most living in 2018. 

Tell your friends and family about this practice. There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active leader yourself. Start now and make an impact!